OS type and version | Rocky Linux 8.10 |
Usermin version | 2.102 |
Virtualmin version | 7.30.3 |
OS type and version | Rocky Linux 9.5 |
Usermin version | 2.102 |
Virtualmin version | 7.30.4 |
On moving two sites to a new server with this:
Backup account:
virtualmin backup-domain --domain domain.tld --dest /home/backupsformove/domain.tld.tar.gz --all-features
Then transfer to new server:
scp /home/backups-for-restore/domain.tld.tar.gz root@
Restore account:
virtualmin restore-domain --source /home/backups-for-restore/domain.tld.tar.gz --all-features --domain domain.tld
I have found that the backup is either incomplete or old.
On the first site/account I did this I noticed that the Postgres database had records missing! So I had to do a manual DB dump and restore as per this thread. I did not check other contents/files as I uploaded fresh copies from my local machine.
On the second account, it appears that the whole backup (including database - as it has some blog posts missing) is old - this is very bizarre! On this second account the site is a Wordpress site, which I originally had trouble transferring because it was using an old version of Wordpress however I manually upgraded the Wordpress site on the old server and it was working fine. So I deleted the virtualmin account I had created via restore on the new server and then carried out the back-up, transfer and restore again as per the instructions above. But oddly, I was getting the exact same error (that certain syntax is deprecated) on the new server… even though I had upgraded the site on the old server successfully so this error should now have been occurring! Anyway so I manually upgrade Wordpress again on the new server… and then the site starts working, however this is when I noticed a number of the recent blog posts are missing.
This leads me to conclude there is some sort of issue/bug with the backups being carried out with this command:
virtualmin backup-domain --domain domain.tld --dest /home/backupsformove/domain.tld.tar.gz --all-features
This is very concerning if this is the same command/process Virtualmin uses when it carries out scheduled backups (via Virtualmin > Backup & Restore
). (Can anyone confirm if it is? If it is for now I may start scheduling manual backups of the databases just to be on the safe side).