Vaultwarden setup

OS type and version Debian
Webmin version 7
Virtualmin version 2.202
Webserver version Apache 2.4.62

I have a small vps I use for a few things like email and dns, and I would like to add a private vaultwarden setup to it. Does anyone have a working config I can use as a template to get it setup? getting it running via docker is easy, but setting the proxy info and apache config in the web setup is not.

As always, follow the documentation for the application you’re trying to run. There’s almost certainly nothing that needs to change just because Virtualmin is managing things (though you do need to keep Let’s Encrypt in mind, if you’re using LE certs…proxy rules need to exclude the .well-known path, so validation still works).

Just put whatever ProxyPath/ProxyPathReverse settings they suggest in the VirtualHost block for the domain you want the app to appear in. Should Just Work.

Thanks. It wasn’t as bad as it seemed going by old install questions. I just had to setup the docker config, create a subdomain for it, enable the proxy url, fix dns because for some reason virtualmin does insane things with subdomain servers, and override the many sub-subdomains it tries to request from Let’s Encrypt. Seriously, there should be a default template for subdomains that doesn’t try to so much dumb stuff for them.

You’ll need to define “insane things”. (And, whatever thing you think is insane is configurable.)

I think you’re misunderstanding something somewhere and it’s making things confusing. There is no such thing as a “subdomain” in Virtualmin. A subdomain is just a name. You create a Virtual Server with the subdomain name. Or, if you want it to be owned by the same user as the domain above it, you make it a Sub-server. (But, you do not have to. A subdomain name is not special, to Virtualmin. There is no special button or server template for any name, and a subdomain name is just a name. DNS delegation may be confusing for some folks, but Virtualmin handles it transparently and with configuration options for how it’s handled, if you don’t like the default choice.)

If you’re doing something different because the name happens to be sub.domain.tld and you also host domain.tld on the same system, you don’t need to, and probably shouldn’t.