Vacation message scheme?

Is there a standard vacation message scheme for mail users?

In my view a vacation message and an auto-reply is that an auto-reply replies every time you send mail (like “We have received your email and will attempt to respond with in 48 business hours” types of things) and a vacation message replies just once “I’m out for two weeks” (but allows other people to keep piling up work stuff for you while you’re gone but don’t get the reply over and over).

Does “Minimum time between auto-replies” do something like that? (For example if I add one with at 20160 minutes, would that prevent the same email address from being auto-replied to for two weeks or would it prevent all auto-replies for two weeks?). And is 20160 too big a number for a countdown somewhere or does something in the background just time-stamp something, etc?


OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 24.04.1
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
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Interesting, I just use an (client based) auto reply being very specific about a return date+time I get far too much generic spam to wish to add to it.

I have also just assumed that the “minimum time between replies” is a fixture not a count down

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