Usermin Preferences - Define defaults in Server Templates

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4
Webmin version 2.111
Usermin version 2.010
Virtualmin version 7.10.0
Theme version 21.10
Package updates 107 package updates are available

Maybe this would be a good idea so then you can configure the end users rights and what they have visible, configure the date format and other things like than.

With this being for the advanced use it could be another tab with a free type box where you can enter the settings you want to override and set. This would prevent the need for making a matching GUI to configure usermin settings (unless this is easy :smile: )

I thought all this was available already?

Under Webmin Tab:
Usermin Configuration > Usermin Module Configuration

Usermin Configuration > Module Restrictions

The Usermin Module Configuration has a load of options to tweak.

Date format for what? email?
Usermin Configuration > Usermin Module Configuration > Read Mail > Default User Preferences

Unless I’m missing something? You can pretty much do what you are asking for already.

This is an interesting suggestion! @Jamie, what are your thoughts on this?

I suppose we could do this … are you thinking that we could use this to configure which Usermin modules mailbox users have access to, or default preferences like the date format?

I was originally thinking setting the default settings

but this could be expanded which modules a user has access to. I have not gone throught he Usermin configuration as part of my instructions so I cannot be more precise in my ideas.

Server templates is a unique feature of Virtualmin (no other panel has this feature) and there is no harm in expanding what it can do. Obviously there are a few issues with it I have reported.

This is certainly an interesting idea … but potentially complex to implement. But I’ll put it on my TODO list.

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