Do you have this in postfix conf?
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_unauth_destination
smtpd_relay_restrictions = reject_unauth_destination
Do you have this in postfix conf?
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_unauth_destination
smtpd_relay_restrictions = reject_unauth_destination
I checked my mail logs for lines with <> and found nothing.
I just had holes punched in my eyes so its really hard for me to view my computer screens. I will have check the conf files tomorrow when I can see better.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I have a new theory as to what those None (no subject) 12/31/1969 messages are.
This morning I was checking my mail in Thunderbird. everything looked fine. I decided to look in the Usermin Mail (inbox) and saw that there were around 100 new of those weird messages.
I took the opportunity to check the mail dir on the server but I couldn’t see any actual messages that matched but there were a lot of messages so I though I should try and get some kind of count.
I then went back to Usermin and tried to sort the messages on Sender, Subject and date. The Messages sorted fine except for those messages. I could not isolate them based on the displayed information.
When I refreshed the view after a few tries all the weird messages were gone. Based on the approximate numbers I believe that these may actually be the remnants of messages that the Usermin/procmail filters I have created to sort out Bulk mail etc, and the spam filters that are in place are still displaying in the Usermin Inbox. When I viewed the emails from this account using the Webmin/view user email, these did not display.
I think that for some reason (I have no idea why) the Usermin mail reader is not refreshing after moving a filtered message from the inbox to a different folder.
I don’t believe its a filter issue directly as the filters appear to be working properly. I will review the filters in the procmail file just in case there is an anomaly. So I expect that there is either a mail setting that I have changed that is causing this behaviour or some change in Usermin that is not allowing a proper refresh after a message has been filtered.
This is my theory and I’m sticking to it.
-Anne Elk
Okay, I have a 2nd theory that I have to check (in case my first theory is wrong.)
There is the possibility that it is not the filters but might be messages that have been deleted using an external client. I have used Thunderbird to Delete several messages and when I view these in Usermin they display with the strikethrough. At some point the messages are removed and no longer visible. I think I tried to get rid of the strikethrough step altogether but I can’t remember how (what settings) but it the strikethrough still displays for some time so I couldn’t have been successful. I am not sure when the message is actually removed from the list. I can’t find any item that seems to control that. I find that process quite irritating. I would rather just have the message gone when I delete it. If anyone knows where that control is please let me know.
It possible that at some time during this process when the message is removed, that the weird message is displayed.
Just running some checks on that now. Its a pain that I can’t find any consistency to make the testing easier.
It isn’t thunderbird, just tested with 40+ messages a few times (I had many tests…)
Maybe are indeed filters or greylisting if you have it enabled.
Or is just the server a bit slow.
EDIT: Check your system date format/ php and all locales
Maybe reinstall completly clam and spam assassin (on uninstall choose “purge”, clear cache, than reinstall them and reactivate virtualmin modules)
Check your in postfix, and check procmail and dovecot too. Backup your current config and try to get the default config files. And test your email server with mxtoolbox/ (please use a bogus email account if you use some mail account)
As I said before, I give up.
It seem the oldest bug in mozilla
“A missing Date: header being Illegal or not, showing the unix epoch as the date
is stupid. Please can you show the date that the message was received
instead? This makes more sense. This date should be available from the IMAP
server. I get these problem emails from a buggy virus scanning engine and I
don’t have access to fix their broken code, though I will ask them to fix it.”
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