User error perhaps, installed Webmin first: Virtualmin errors or warning on installation - part 1

| — | — |
|OS type and version|AlmaLinux 9.5|
|Webmin version|2.202|
|Virtualmin version|7.20.2|
|Webserver version|2.4.62|
|Related packages|SUGGESTED|
| Related packages | SUGGESTED |

Hi, when running the Virtualmin iinstall script, I managed to capture a few warning or error messages. Virtualmin appears to be running, but thought I should report these just in case - as per attached. Have created two topics as this forum lets me only upload one.

did you run as root? as far as I know SELinux should be disable by the script.
I could be wrong.
The OS needs to be clean, no preinstalled software.

This might be unrelated, but it looks like is not responding.

Yes, OS was clean, installed from image, then ran updates prior to Virtualmin install.

That doesn’t have anything to do with Webmin being installed first. But, it looks like a lot of potential problems. I’ve never seen these error before, though.