Update the issue template to reflect the updated one

Ilia has just updated the basic (And advanced) system information copy and paste in virtualmin here:

Can the forum new issue template be updated to reflect this.

It now includes the Web server technology being used.

OS type and version Rocky Linux 9.4
Webmin version 2.111.202407030032
Usermin version 2.010.202407030032
Virtualmin version 7.10.0 Pro
Theme version 21.20-RC3-5
Apache version 2.4.57
Package updates 2 package updates are available
|OS type and version |Rocky Linux 9.4|
|Webmin version |2.111.202407030032|
|Usermin version |2.010.202407030032|
|Virtualmin version |7.10.0 Pro|
|Theme version |21.20-RC3-5|
|Apache version |2.4.57|
|Package updates |2 package updates are available|

Funny, I stumbled upon your post while searching for a way to update the category template.

Anyway, this has been done for the Virtualmin category, and the template now is:

OS type and version REQUIRED
Webmin version REQUIRED
Virtualmin version REQUIRED
Webserver version REQUIRED
Related packages SUGGESTED

Now, let’s see how many people will actually fill it out.


I hear you :smiley: , it annoys me and it is not my forum. It’s not like you can miss it.

Appreciate the update.

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