Update failed Webmin 7.10.0 to 7.20.1

OS type and version RHEL 7
Webmin version 7.10.0.gpl-1


Today July 17th, 2024 released updated for Webmin GPL from 7.10.0 to 7.20.1 failed.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Using RHEL 7, try to update the package wbm-virtual-server.noarch 3:7.10.0.gpl-1 to wbm-virtual-server.noarch 3:7.20.1.gpl-1

  2. Update failed with this error in the log

Update Packages

Now updating wbm-virtual-server ..

    Installing package(s) with command /bin/yum -y install wbm-virtual-server ..

    Loaded plugins: changelog, langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos,
                  : subscription-manager, versionlock
    Resolving Dependencies
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package wbm-virtual-server.noarch 3:7.10.0.gpl-1 will be updated
    ---> Package wbm-virtual-server.noarch 3:7.20.1.gpl-1 will be an update
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution

    Dependencies Resolved

     Package              Arch     Version             Repository              Size
     wbm-virtual-server   noarch   3:7.20.1.gpl-1      virtualmin-universal    23 M

    Transaction Summary
    Upgrade  1 Package

    Total download size: 23 M
    Downloading packages:
    No Presto metadata available for virtualmin-universal
    Package wbm-virtual-server-7.20.1.gpl-1.noarch.rpm is not signed

    Package wbm-virtual-server-7.20.1.gpl-1.noarch.rpm is not signed

    .. install failed!

No packages were installed. Check the messages above for the cause of the error.
  1. Needed end result is that this update complete without error message


We do not know what cause this challenge. The following are speculations about the cause of this challenge.

Speculation 1. Missing dependency?

As you probably know, RHEL 7 Maipo received security updates and Extended Life-cycle Support (ELS) until June 30, 2028. Sources:

Maybe the update from Webmin 7.10 to 7.20 requires a dependency not available in RHEL 7 Maipo? But available in RHEL 8 or 9?

We noticed that RHEL 7 is no longer listed as a grade A at https://www.virtualmin.com/docs/os-support/

Speculation 2. Package not signed?

This is unlikely. Because previous updates were successful without being signed. But maybe, somehow, a signed package is now required?

Line in the log

Package wbm-virtual-server-7.20.1.gpl-1.noarch.rpm is not signed

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Same issue here on multiple servers on Rocky 8

We don’t support any OSes beyond their general EOL. The only way to run RHEL 7 safely at this point is to pay for ELS.

But, we also won’t break it any time soon (though it might break before the four years of ELS, we aren’t testing on RHEL7 anymore). If you switch to our newer repos, you can keep getting updates to Virtualmin packages, but you won’t ever receive an update of the httpd package, as I’m no longer maintaining custom ones. You’ll need to switch to the RHEL httpd package, and you’ll need to switch to an execution mode other than fcgid+suexec. (PHP-FPM is the recommended mode for everyone in almost every circumstance, and switching to it should generally be pretty painless).

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Run virtualmin setup-repos and then dnf clean all and try again

Thanks for your reply @Joe :slight_smile: We’ll try this. Then share our result here.

The only way to run RHEL 7 safely at this point is to pay for ELS.

Those RHEL 7 servers are both ELS and PHP-FPM. Their ELS were either added or in progress of being added to their Standard or Premium subscriptions.

apologies, brain-dead morning here. do we still follow the instructions listed here:

The quickest way to initiate the installation of Virtualmin GPL on your server is to log in via SSH using a terminal, and execute the following pre-prepared command:

sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/virtualmin-install.sh)" -- --bundle LAMP

to [re]Run virtualmin setup-repos if we already have virtualmin/webmin successfully installed?

Rocky Linux 8.10

No! That’s installing Virtualmin. You never install Virtualmin again. You do not want to reinstall anything. You just want to switch to new repos.

Either (if you’re reasonably up to date):

virtualmin setup-repos

As I said above, or you can run the install script with the --setup or -s flag. You can download it and run it, or you can probably do it all in one with:

sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/virtualmin-install.sh)" -- --setup

Joe - you have been patiently helping me for years and years now. and each year, you may notice a decline in my intelligence, so I thank you for your assistance, as always.

as always, thank you so very much. worked PERFECTLY.

i just did:

virtualmin setup-repos ;  dnf clean packages ;  dnf --assumeyes update; 

problem solved.


Good morning @Joe :slight_smile: This is to confirm that virtualmin setup-repos was successful. Thanks again.

The dnf clean all command would fail though. Because this server is a RHEL 7. As you probably know, dnf is included starting with RHEL 8.

For those facing this challenge on RHEL 7, this command was successful yum clean all. In summary, to resolve this challenge on RHEL 7, we ran virtualmin setup-repos and then yum clean all

Should this topic be renamed as it isn’t about Webmin?

Done! Thanks for the heads up!

The subject line is still:

Update failed Webmin 7.10.0 to 7.20.1

Ubuntu - no issues

Related: Fix to disallow reinstallations completely by iliajie · Pull Request #111 · virtualmin/virtualmin-install · GitHub

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