Update: Exciting News...

Hi Everyone,

As many of you know, historically I’ve provided assistance here in the forums extensively, especially over the past year, however lately you’ve likely notice I’ve been a bit absent from the community.

Over the past two months, I’ve acquired a few new contracts. One of which was acquired through the Virtualmin forums and given the nature of this contract I’ve had my hands full settling in.


As exciting it is to start something new which offers great promise for the future, one thing you may not know is a bit closer to home here at Virtualmin.

Over the past month, I’ve been in discussion on and off with Joe Cooper about getting involved assisting in the development of a modern Webmin theme.

I’m pleased to announce my official involvement in this project, and have been working extensively with Joe as a result. As a huge supporter of Webmin, it’s with great pleasure that I am able to contribute even a few lines of code toward making the product that much better.


In the first release which we’re hoping to get out within the next few months (if all goes well), things will be very similar to the current framed theme, minus the use of frames. Each update to the theme will bring greater maturity, and eventually a large scale overhaul of the core Webmin code will be completed to put the icing on the cake, paving the way to the eventual goal of a completely Web 2.0 theme which can be viewed across multiple platforms from mobile to desktop computers.

Some of the planned technology being includes the “Bootstrap library”, and “jQuery”, though this may change with time, as things continue to come together.


It’s been a dream for many years to have the opportunity to contribute to the Webmin project, and a great pleasure to work in the company of some extremely talented and amazing individuals.


It’s been a great honor to work with everyone here, and while the coming months I’ll be a bit more busy, you will see me around doing what I love doing, giving back, and helping people out.

Best Regards, Peter Knowles TPN Solutions

E: pknowles@tpnsolutions.com
P: 604-782-9342
W: http://www.tpnsolutions.com