Unable to create VM's

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 18.04.6
Virtualmin version 7.30.2 Pro

I get this error when I try to create VM
Failed to create virtual server : New virtual server has no IP address! Perhaps Virtualmin could not work out the system’s default IP.

if you have PRO version, you can get priority support directly from account after creating a ticket.

Re-Check Configuration.

It should give you some clues about what’s wrong.

When adding the New Virtual Server you should see a section labeled:
IP address and forwarding
the options will allow you to set the IP address and show you what the default IP is
if you don’t see a default IP you have to dig deeper

You generally shouldn’t set it on a per-domain basis, unless you have multiple IP addresses. Virtualmin Configuration is where that stuff should be set. And Check Configuration tries to set everything automatically…if it is not set correctly automatically, the right thing to do is go set it in Virtualmin Configuration.