Hello everyone! Thank you for your help and for looking at this post.
My issue is that I’m trying to create a SLAVE BIND server.
For the most part, I have been following the steps here.
So, I have added my other server to the webmin server index, with a username and password set there.
I have added both to Cluster Webmin Servers.
Then, I go to BIND DNS Server → Cluster Slave Servers, and try and add my slave server there.
I’m not too sure what to select for the options on this page, however it seems that I end up getting this error below:
Failed to add server : Could not work out this system's IP address. You should set the Default master server IP for remote slave zones on the Module Config page.
I’ve looked all around for this option to set anything, but I just cannot find it anywhere. Sorry if I’ve missed something but I’d really appreciate any help
Sadly not, I cannot see those options in the BIND DNS SERVER. I think I found that doc initially, so I’m not sure if it’s just out of date or I’m looking in the wrong place?
For reference, this is the path I took:
Webmin → BIND DNS SERVER → Cluster Slave servers
I’ve attached a screenshot below (I apologise for it being small, I’m usually on a bigger device but for the purposes of a screenshot this works fine).
Here is the photo of the previous page for reference (plus more options below, but that’s the gist of it)
The screenshot is uploaded in a following post due to form limitations.
The “Module Config” is the little cogwheel button on the top right in the last image.
You will find the needed option there for setting the primary IP.