Ubuntu 24.04 lts Eroor install Virtualmin


I have a new vps server with Ubuntu 24.04 lts and this command me an error. What should I do? The system is up to date.

root@cp:~# sh virtualmin-install.sh
sh: 0: cannot open virtualmin-install.sh: No such file

Either you haven’t downloaded the installer or you execute the command in the wrong directory.

Why not sticking to the recommended approach?
cd /tmp/;wget https://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/virtualmin-install.sh;sh virtualmin-install.sh

Read the documentation if you haven’t:

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I’m running this command as written in the link you posted. Is this wrong??

this with this command, thank you.

Easiest method is use the download page and use
sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/virtualmin-install.sh)" -- --bundle LAMP


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