Ubuntu 24.04 does not have awscli?

OS type and version ubuntu 24.04
Virtualmin version 7.20.2

Testing backup to S3 account. Ran into trouble:

Failed to save S3 account : S3 account cannot be used : Failed to list S3 buckets : HTTP status 403

Saw notice regarding the need to install AWS CLI… Attempted…

That didn’t seem right. But when I checked on the Ubuntu website it appears to be accurate.

Ubuntu has the package for focal, jammy, oracular, and plucky. But not for noble.

I did search; did not find anything on point.

Is this package required to make S3 backups work?

If so, any ideas for a workaround, or do I need to go back to version 22?

If I don’t need this package, any ideas as to why am not able to create the account?

Many thanks in advance.

Do you use snap? I use rocky I don’t know much about it.

That’s correct, on Ubuntu 24.04, AWS CLI can only be installed from Snap, e.g.:

snap install aws-cli --classic

This worked perfectly!

Many thanks. And as usual, I’m embarrassed I didn’t search generally (a.k.a. Google) for an answer. Was just kind of dumbfounded when I found that ubuntu didn’t include the package.

Thank you Stefan – excellent tip in the right direction.

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