Tool - Download from web does not start in background mode

I have issues with the tool “Download from web”. Specific the “In background, at date”-download mode.

What ever file I choose the file never starts downloading.

With the download-mode “Immediately, and show progress” it just works.

I am running the latest webmin on a 4 hour freshly installed debian-12.7.0-amd64 system.

I have looked through the logs. No gold…

Have I missed something?

OS type and version debian-12.7.0-amd64
Webmin version Webmin 2.202

do you get this when you create it?

Works fine

did you set a schedule in the future?

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Yes, my looks the same as the first screenshot with a schedule set in the future (+1 minute).
I never reach “downloaded complete”.

(Test download)

I see you have another date-format compared to mine… hopefully that is not the issue.

As long as its in the future then its sound like it not scheduling, I don’t think its a cron job.
Not sure why the date is like that as I’m in Australia, I better look at that.

It maybe logged as a error at /var/webmin/miniserv.error

Hi again Stefan,

The whole log of miniserv.error:

I tried with a scheduled cronjob wget download. That works fine.

How does your webmin.log schedule command time look like?

1728457232.102409.0 [09/Oct/2024 09:00:32] root 35da329bb3cc7bb6a12d12eb2c41980b updown download.cgi “download” “-” “-” time=‘1728457200’ urls=‘

Because that time=‘1728457200’ seems weird. Or is that just normal…

And this is how it looks when I use the download tool to download immediately.
1728457427.102967.0 [09/Oct/2024 09:03:47] root 35da329bb3cc7bb6a12d12eb2c41980b 192.168.0.xx updown download.cgi “download” “-” “-” time=‘’ urls=‘

Here the time is gone…