The filesystem mounted at / has no free space

OS type and version Debian 11
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
Webserver version Apache 2.4.61

When I login to the virtualmin dashboard on the server, it’s reporting

Warning! The 74.61 GiB filesystem mounted at / has no free disk space!

Checking Disk and Network Filesystems shows the root partition at 100% used

When I check the folders from a console with
du -hx -d 1 /

I get the result below

173M /etc
220M /boot
12M /root
12K /srv
8.0K /media
3.8G /usr
4.0K /mnt
16K /lost+found
4.2G /

I’ve gone down several levels and the only thing I can find taking any space is the /usr folder at 3.8G

Can anyone give me a clue as to how I free up the other 70G?

I solved this by running

mount -o bind / / mnt
du -hx --threshold=1G /mnt

Turns out that an external mount point had unmounted and the system had dropped a large amount of data there which became hidden when the external mount was remounted!

@siil-itman glad you got it sorted, this one was beyond my knowledge :smile:

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