Superuser privileges issue

AlmaLinux 8.9 REQUIRED
Webmin 2.111 REQUIRED


I’m trying to set a new PHP package using the following command :
dnf install php81-php-{cli,fpm,pdo,gd,mbstring,mysqlnd,opcache,curl,xml,zip}

And have the following issue:
Error: This command has to be run with superuser privileges (under the root user on most systems).

I tried to activate Allow users who can run all commands via sudo to login as root in : Webmin → Webmin users → Unix User Authentication

Also tried to activate all Available Webmin Modules for the specific user I have (not root, but I’m connected to Webmin with root…)


If the user is in the sudo (wheel) group just prefix the command with sudo

When i prefix with sudo, it asks me for the specific user password then :

“user” is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

seen this solution

su root 
nano /etc/sudoers

Then add the user below admin user like below syntax.

user_name ALL=(ALL)  ALL

Nevermind, I just connected to the terminal again and i’m on root now. I don’t know if it took some times for the modifications I made to apply but it works now.

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