Sudo: a terminal is required to read the password;

Hello @Sinisha82 , this is from the community guidelines:

Tell us the actual error and include a few relevant lines from the applicable log (maillog or access log or error log, most likely).

See Forum Guidelines: Please read before posting!

Your most recent post (as well as a few of your other posts in the recent past) reflect an attitude that you tell us how Cloudmin / Virtualmin / Webmin falls short of your expectations, however unfounded these may be about how Cloudmin is supposed to work, and it becomes the job of the community to convince you otherwise. That is not how this works.

Please follow the community guidelines and provide relevant snippets from logs - and even screenshots, if they help illustrate the issue better - to enable the community to help you install and use this free, open-source software which has a long and proven history of success and an existing global user base which has been able to use it in production environments via the documentation that is available online.

Please follow the community guidelines. Thanks.