looks like it’s up now
not on https but http works
I would be interested to know what the issue was?
I added to IPTABLES
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 10000 -j ACCEPT
I also added these lines to the bottom of rc.local
It may have occurred because of this line in IPTABLES
REJECT all – anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-p ort-unreachable
It stopped working because my IP address got changed, my old ip address was on IPTABLES safe list so it allowed port 10000 to be opened.
I’ve now updated this on WEBMIN. Everything is a lot easier with Webmin. That’s how I found my ip address had changed.
Just curious. Wouldn’t this test be pointless from any box you didn’t know 10000 was open? If I know 10000 is open why would it be pointless from my pc?
Maybe nc in a windows enviroment does a different thing to running nc from a linux enviroment. I’ve not used windows for a couple of decades or so, therefore i have just thrown a guess in
My pc is a Mac. So basically Linux.
Maybe @shoulders can enlighten us on how nc works in a windows enviroment
We use nmap https://nmap.org/download.html#windows
because early on in this thread we knew/identified the block was at the server and testing using nc
from his PC with nothing changed = pointless
You are getting mixed up with networking 101 and utilities. Testing if a port is open or not again and again with different utlilities is pointless if you change nothing on the server.
Early on @Ilia identified it was a firewall issue of sorts.
50 comments to convince OP to fix the firewall. Might be a new record.
My point was “pointless” is dismissive and emotional not informative.
Dunno what your on about testing network connections on remote machine using linux enviroment can be achieved using nc or telnet and then measure the response from whatever programme you use but i guess what you where trying to say that nc does not work if you are trying to check a local connection so
nc localhost 10000 or nc 10000 doesn’t work however telnet localhost 10000 and telnet 10000 do work, is that what you ment ?
What i was getting at was retesting a server with a blocked firewall using a different utility will make no difference. If the server is blocking the port, rechecking it with a different utility will change nothing.
IP/TCP is OS agnostic. It was not a Linux/Windows thing either.
port was blocked at server
Many people on this thread had already tested and determined they could not access the webmin instance. The OP did not need to run another test to confirm this.
It was to indicate doing this any more was pointless and the issue is 100% on the server.
you should have worded that better then
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