Strange happenings with SSL on one domain effecting another

I’ve got a strange issue coming up.
I’ve got a number of virtual servers going, some with their own IP and some with SSL running… all good. However, I have one site that has it’s own IP address and when I enable SSL suddenly all external mail is prevented from coming to to another domain.
Ive got the following…
Virtual Server A) Domain with SSL enabled with own IP
Virtual Server B) Domain without SSL enabled with own IP
Virtual Server C) Domain with SSL enabled with own IP
Virtual Server D) Domain without SSL enabled with shared IP
Virtual Server E) Domain without SSL enabled with shared IP

When I enable SSL on Server A then the mail stops for Server B but not for C, D, or E.
When I disable SSL on Server A, everything goes back to normal.

There is nothing in the mail logs as it just doesn’t see anything come in. I can’t see any errors in any of the error logs. If I send an email to Server B from either within the admin area or using the servers SMTP then those emails are received no problem.
I’m not receiving any bounce back from the external servers I’m sending from so can’t see if errors are arising there.

Any ideas? Took a while to find what was causing the problem in the first place.