SSL - Secure HTTPS not working for Virtualmin Panel Address

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.6
Webmin version 2.013
Virtualmin version 7.5
Related packages SUGGESTED

SSL - Secure HTTPS not working for Virtualmin Web Panel Address.
I Have attached the screenshot image, please check and suggest me how to resolve.

Thank you!

Have you installed lets encrypt yet?
Try Chrome in Incognito mode and override the error.

This is my first time accessing Virtualmin via web address after installed using putty.

Yep, thats normal. Post install with fix as it installs letsencrpt cirts.

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Why then yes of course, it will still only use the self-signed certificate.
Access via the IP instead, proceed by following the setup wizard which will (if wanted) install a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your hostname.

Certificates must be validated somehow. You haven’t done the validation step. There’s only so much we can automate away. Right after installation, you will have a self-signed certificate (and there is literally no more we can do at that point, because there is no VirtualHost and likely no DNS…Let’s Encrypt validation can’t work yet).

This is explained in the documentation and at the end of the installation process.

From the Download page:

“Now, login to Virtualmin by browsing to port 10000 on the address of your server using the HTTPS protocol. Ignore the SSL certificate validation error (the SSL certificate is a self-signed one after initial installation, but can be replaced with a valid certificate after initial configuration is complete).”

From the end of the install script:

“Installation Complete!
If there were no errors above, Virtualmin should be ready
to configure at https://${hostname}:10000 (or https://${address}:10000).
You may receive a security warning in your browser on your first visit.”

I don’t know what else to do to make this clear?

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