@Ilia I been meaning to say something but its not that important, I got 5 mins so here I am. For a few updates now the green tick in the server status is spaced further away then the cross and the reload. It used to be equally spaced.
Well, it was a conscious decision made in response to another issue request that suggested visually separating the status icon and action icons. In this case, green ticks represent status, and the other two buttons are action buttons.
I agree that separating them makes sense since one cannot be interacted with and the others can (I think I was guilty of hovering over the checkmark to see what it did when I first moved to Virtualmin). If it still feels “off” for some people, then one option might be to place the status indicator to the left of the service, and keep the action buttons to the right. It might even make it easier to identify the status of a particular server with a quick glance at the list.