Some clarifications on DKIM and DMARC

I think I solved it like this:
DKIM: In TXT I reported all the parts of the text by linking them together and without the quotes.
From a check with mxtoolbox it seems OK.
DMARC: I created a TXT record with v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:no-reply@MyDomain.

If there are no suggestions or corrections to offer, I consider the post resolved and the part below outdated.

However, the request remains open: where is the page “Email Messages ⇾ DomainKeys Identified Mail”?


To create DKIM and DMARC on Virtualmin I followed the page DomainKeys Identified Mail.

I couldn’t find in Virtualmin the page “Email Messages ⇾ DomainKeys Identified Mail”.
To find it I had to search for “DomainKeys” where, among the suggested pages, I found the one where to enable DKIM, but I still didn’t understand where in the menu it is located.

Generating it, the first message is the following, but I didn’t understand its meaning.

Finding virtual servers to enable DKIM for ..
.. no virtual servers with DNS and email enabled were found, but enabling for 1 extra domains

Having the DNS on an external VPS (with Webmin) I find in “DNS Settings / Suggested DNS Records” the setting to activate in the zone on NS1.
However, I haven’t understood whether I should create a single TXT record with all the content between the two brackets.
I usually create a TXT record by inserting the content without the two quotes, but between the brackets there are more keys with quotes.
In an another domain (not in Virtualmin) for DKIM I had created only one TXT record with default._domainkey and the two values v= and p=, plus a second TXT record with _domainkey and the value o=-
What should I create in Webmin?

Furthermore, where do I find the settings for DMARC?

OS type and version Debian 12
Webmin version 2.105
Virtualmin version 7.10.0
Related packages DKIM & DMARC

Hello @DarkCorner,

Keep it simple:
v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarc@domain.tld

A best practice is to collect DMARC emails with a dedicated email account so you can review them to see if there are any issues.

When you are working email delivery, also check if your server’s IP address is not blacklisted:

Sometimes a provider can assign an IP that was used to send spam. If this happens, request a new IP address and check if it is safe.

I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely,

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