[SOLVED] Hi. Somehow I managed to disable Postgresql by mistake and it seems to have broken things

Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 20.04.5, Virtualmin Version 7.9.0

Postgres no longer starts at boot

Re-check Configuration gives this:
The feature PostgreSQL database cannot be disabled, as it is used by the following virtual servers : (list of virtual-servers)

When I start Postgresql manually, it makes no difference at all. Same error.
The Postgresql section in Webmin shows the same list of servers but all have zero 0 tables in use, so I guess nothing is using it.
The docs say I should enable it by checkbox in virtual server settings but only MySQL shows up, but not Postgresql. so I cannot do that.

As far as I know, I do not need Postgres at all.
Have I missed a checkbox somewhere that disables Postgresql, globally, in Virtualmin?
All help greatly appreciated

I finally found it in System Settings / Features and Plugins instead. :slight_smile:

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