Could you please check software.virtualmin.com ? I’ve been trying to access it for more than an hour and a half, but it seems to be down.
Could you please check software.virtualmin.com ? I’ve been trying to access it for more than an hour and a half, but it seems to be down.
@staff there is a issue.
Can you give Apache a “restart”. Seems like the server is “pingable” but the web server appears to not be responding. I can confirm it’s not responding to requests.
Yep it’s down from here as well. Connection timing out.
Same here, i thought it was on my side
Same here.
This always seem to happen when staff are sleeping
The issue will likely get resolved once @Joe wakes up, and can attend to the matter. So, check back in about 6 hours give or take.
I rebooted the VM.
I’m not confident about the cause of the problem. It had all the same symptoms we’d seen in the past before switching to socket-activation for fcgiwrap
, but it ran for weeks without incident with that new configuration, and I didn’t see hung processes, but I was still operating before my morning tea when I was looking, so I probably missed something.
Perhaps install webmin on the server setup a monitor that restarts the process if it fails
The process doesn’t fail (systemctl status
shows it’s up for both Apache and fcgiwrap).
It’s a difficult problem, which we’ve discussed in the past. Something in fcgiwrap can get stuck, and it breaks all of Apache, but Apache is still running. It just can’t answer requests for reasons that aren’t clear, maybe some sort of resource exhaustion, but none of the obvious candidates.
I’ll put a cronjob back in place to restart the fcgiwrap process periodically. I’d turned it off for testing the socket-activated mode…and it seemed to be resolved for a month or more.
Seems to be up now.
@Joe is this happening again? I have just gone to download and getting same message.
software.virtualmin.com is down again, been trying to install virtualmin for the past 24 hours without success! @staff
Still not working for me.
software.virtualmin.com is up now
Is was down earlier today, but is up now and has been for several hours
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