ipv6 error not available on ipv6-only system.

ping -6
PING (2001:bc8:608:b01::1) 56 data bytes
From 2001:bc8:407:602::d icmp_seq=1 Time exceeded: Hop limit
From 2001:bc8:407:602::d icmp_seq=2 Time exceeded: Hop limit
From 2001:bc8:407:602::d icmp_seq=3 Time exceeded: Hop limit
From 2001:bc8:407:602::d icmp_seq=4 Time exceeded: Hop limit

So can’t update using yum:

Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'virtualmin-noarch':
  - Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for [Failed to connect to port 443 after 38 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
OS type and version Fedora 40
Webmin version 2.111-1

Thanks for the heads up! It has been fixed now!

care to share? your experience, and the solution, could be helpful to others :smile:

No, there’s nothing anyone would learn from it.

Scaleway converted our VM to a new networking configuration thing, and the IPv6 IP didn’t survive the change. I don’t know why and don’t have any inclination to spend a bunch of time on figuring out why, but it has nothing to do with us, and nothing anyone using Virtualmin can gain anything from knowing about. I just added a new IPv6 IP and changed our AAAA records.

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