Slow display time for viewing messages when changing folders


| Operating system | CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 |
| Firewall version | ConfigServer Security & Firewall 14.19 |
| Kernel and CPU | Linux 6.2.9-x86_64-linode160 on x86_64 |
| Processor information | AMD EPYC 7601 32-Core Processor, 1 cores |
| Running processes | 218 |
| CPU load averages | 0.04 (1 min) 0.02 (5 mins) 0.00 (15 mins) |
| Real memory | 831.64 MiB used / 962.25 MiB cached / 1.9 GiB total |
| Virtual memory | 1.49 GiB used / 2.73 GiB total |
| Local disk space | 23.56 GiB used / 22.58 GiB free / 46.15 GiB total |
| Package updates | All installed packages are up to date |

| Webmin version | 2.101 |
| Usermin version | 2.001 |
| Virtualmin version | 7.7 |
| Authentic theme version | 21.05 |
| Python version | 3.6.8 |
| Postfix version | 2.10.1 |
| Apache version | 2.4.6 |
| PHP versions | 5.4.16, 8.1.22 |
| MariaDB version | 10.6.15 |
| SpamAssassin version | 3.4.6 |

Just wondering if others are seeing the same time delay or if its just my setup.

When I am logged into Usermin to view mail and I select different folders it takes about 5 to 10 seconds for the display to change. Sometimes the refresh, diagonal lines display in the left side folder menu other times they do not. When I have the refresh time set they always display when refreshing.
My concern is the time it actually takes to display the messages in the new folder. It is too slow for me but I could just be my low end Linode shared server.
I’m pretty sure its not my local internet access since other web services such as my Gmail account is very quick updating/displaying messages in different folders.
I also do not appear to have a delay when displaying DB queries on the same server.
It does not appear to be the number of messages in a particular folder either. 11 messages or 300 messages both take around the same time. I believe the largest number I have in a particular folder is 300 in the Inbox.
Just curious if others see this or if there is anything I can do to speed this up. Its one of the reasons I tend to avoid using Usermin as a mail client and rely on Thunderbird instead.

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