site not working after creating subserver

i am new to virtual min… my site was runnng fine perviously.
i created sub server of my site and sub server name i gave
after creating it has stopped working… and when i edit databases that is also empty.

i dont know what has happened. now when i visit my site. i get message "Forbidden

You don’t have permission to access / on this server."

Please help guys… its a live site and m in deep trouble.


It sounds like there’s some sort of confusion going on, where it’s taking you to the new demo site, rather than the original site. That can be caused by an IP address mismatch on your system. This documentation here describes the most common causes for that and how to fix them:

However, if you get stuck – perhaps just to get your site up and running again, you could always try to remove the new site you added.

That of course shouldn’t be necessary, and the fact that you ran into this suggests a configuration issue of some sort… but that might be a quick way to get your live site online again until you have time to sort out the configuration issue.
