SESSION variable 'max_allowed_packet' is read-only. Use SET GLOBAL to assign the value

OS type and version debian 12
Webmin version last version
Virtualmin version last version
Webserver version last version
Related packages last version

i using virtualmin please help me, thank you very much

“SESSION variable ‘max_allowed_packet’ is read-only. Use SET GLOBAL to assign the value”

What EXACTLY is your issue?

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when i restore my site using Duplicator wordpress plugin it shows this error "“SESSION variable ‘max_allowed_packet’ is read-only. Use SET GLOBAL to assign the value”

Out of sheer curiosity, what does that have to do with *min?! Your issue would be more suited to a WordPress forum…

Anyway, here you go:

You could have easily looked that up yourself.


Yet again we are left guessing due to the incomplete information posted

When will folk realise that the SYSTEM INFORMATION is NOT an idle request and simply typing “last version” on a forum goes out of date :man_shrugging:

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The FAQ could definitely be clearer on this. If the steps to grab that info aren’t even mentioned, we can’t really fault new posters for not knowing.

It’s one of those things that feels obvious when you’ve been around a while, but yeah, not so much when you’re fresh.

Maybe a little update to the FAQ would go a long way.


At the very least an explanation of what script we are dealing with and possibly more for general section.

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but like any site who reads them? and when were they last updated?
just like “Terms of Use”, “Privacy Policies”, “Cookie Policies” etc… they rarely if ever get visited (I’ve been working with one of my VS’s Legal Team to update theirs and their pages hardly ever get hit - something I expect many sites find to be the case)

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Learn how to use php would help but tbf I have no clue on how wordpress works or it’s plugins and neither do I wish to


Because we can’t get any further off topic…


This is what was done on another forum. The FAQ is a Discourse WIKI that members can update. That probably won’t work here. That’s a forum filled with Electrical Engineers.

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Thanks for all your help, I’m really sorry, I’ll write more clearly next time :heart:

now i using Duplicator Pro last version and problem solved. thank you very much.

now i have new problem i dont know how to setup cloudflare SSL with virtualmin. i have researched for 2 hours but still cant solve the problem

Create a new topic and mark this as “solved”. Don’t handle different topics in one thread. Provide insights into your tech stack and steps to reproduce. Check out the FAQ how to do it properly.

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this video solved my problem

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Not really the issue for the original post (please create new post next time), but good to see a third part doing a virtualmin video tutorial.

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