Server upgrade and transfer

OS type and version AlmaLinux 9.5
Virtualmin version 7.30.4

I was made aware that the previous OS on our production server had reach EOL in June '24. I am migrating all virtual servers over to the new server. All appeared to work as designed and seemed to function well.

Went on to test and this is where the issues began. Started with 500 errors. Clean them, all up. I then went on to find that sessions were not being created (written to Dir) due to permission issues. I seemed to get them to work by setting the owner:group as apache:apache - which i had not done on the previous server.

Now I’ve gone on to further test further and now I’m seeing Perl isn’t able to read and or write to files on the server say /home/user/public_html/some_dir/some_file.txt. Im figuring this is a permissions issue to winch im not 100% sure im understanding how it works (as now the public_html folder and on are under user:user)

Im not sure how to proceed. Ive tried to search several different places including trying to use AI to help diag.


Can you provide us relevant excerpts from the error logs regarding the 500 errors. You should not have to set ownership to “apache:apache” for websites if things are setup correctly.