Security - Brute force prevent - apache mod_dav - /dav

good night

I noticed that the apache virtual host in /etc/apache2/sites-available/site.conf use mod_dav and an alias /dav with authentication.

<Location /dav>
DAV on
Basic AuthType

With a brute force attack it is possible to discover passwords! It is possible to prevent access to files with authentication, for example restrict access to an IP address/ Private Network/ VPN.

<Location /dav>
DAV on
Basic AuthType

#prevent access - add after or insite <Location /dav> in file site.conf
<Location / dav>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from all
Allow from XX.YY.AA.BB,

But I do not intend to make this change for all sites.

I tried to put at the end of the file in /etc/apache2/apache.conf but it didn’t work. Ask for the password.

But if I protect in /etc/apache2/apache.conf, it works.

Order Deny, Allow
Deny from all
Allow from XX.YY.AA.BB,

Is there a way for me to add protection in a single location and apply it to all sites on site-enabled?

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