AlmaLinux 9.4
Webmin version 2.111
Usermin version 2.010
Virtualmin version 7.10.0
I host few domains. Some of them have Mail disabled.
After a long time without issues I got my IP blacklisted in
Domains that have Email enabled get 10/10 points at report (DMARC, DKIM, SPF & BIMI).
Should I worry about those domains that have Mail disabled and make some arrangements for them?
Thank you
See if they can provide the offending email or, gasp, will suggest that for a fee you can speed up delisting. I had one place try this, (baracuda?) and I told them I’d just file a complaint with the FTC for interference with interstate commerce. They immediately removed me.
Are they blocking your mail server by way of MX record or the IP Address?
They could be blocking the entire CIDR that you are in. In that case I don’t think you can request an unblock.
If you are not the culprit and find yourself on more spam list, I would contact the IP provider and ask for another IP not in that range. They will sometimes do it for you no problem.
Well, doesn’t matter cuz it worked. Basically they blacklisted everyone unless a bribe was paid. They didn’t care if I was a spammer. That wasn’t even an issue. They just wanted cash to get off their list. They didn’t want anybody looking into their business model probably. But, this was a few decades ago now.
But in theory, they blocked possible commerce just like any gang in a lawless country setting up checkpoints every couple hundred yards to extort money. From a legal standpoint? I’m not a lawyer but I’d rather be on my side of that argument in a lawsuit.
You certainly should never pay someone to get off a blacklist. Fix the problems, make sure you’re not sending spam, make sure your users aren’t sending spam, then request de-listing. Then, hope for the best. If they’re a legitimate blacklist, they just want to prevent spam/abuse.
BIMI has nothing to do with delivery (or, it should have nothing to do with delivery, I guess somebody will decide they only want email from the biggest corporations).
BIMI is exclusively for businesses that have a registered trademark. If you block mail based on presence of BIMI, you will only allow commercial mail. It’s like an “only commercial mail” characteristic. If you want to block mail from your mom and allow mail from Amazon, maybe you want to treat BIMI as a spam filtering characteristic.
Only one of hosted domains has a bimi logo. The others comply DMARC, DKIM and SPF.
Despite IP was delisted I am trying to figure out why it was listed.
Thank you all.
Money=0 Work=putting a svg logo in a public directory and add a DNS record.
I receive weekly reports from Postmark (for one domain only). Last one SPF and DKIM 100% aligned
I thought you had to have a PEM certificate that has been issued for this to work?
Some email providers support BIMI with a TXT record that refers to an Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file only. However, to display BIMI logos in Gmail, you must use a TXT record that refers to a Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file. The PEM file includes your logo.
Obtaining a registered trademark costs at minimum a few hundred dollars in the US, a lot more if you involve a lawyer.
Is this out of date? (From Google’s docs.)
Logos used with BIMI must be trademarked with an intellectual property office that’s recognized by Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) issuers. You need to verify that your brand logo is trademarked. If not, we recommend that you work with your legal team or a lawyer to have your logo trademarked. The trademark process can take from 6 months to over a year.
The BIMI standard is being expanded to include logos that aren’t trademarked.
Has that last sentence come to pass? Can a non-trademarked logo be used now and without fees?