Secure apt conversion of Debian and Ubuntu repos

Howdy all,

I’ve made a pretty dramatic change in our Debian and Ubuntu repositories, in order to enable full chain of responsibility on packages for those platforms. After much gnashing of teeth, I finally worked through all of the horrible Secure Apt documentation, figured out the two or three subtle but show-stopper bugs, and finally got it all spinning beautifully this evening.

You folks running Debian or Ubuntu Virtualmin systems will now have to download and import our public keys.

To do that on Ubuntu (as a sudo-capable user):


wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -

wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -


Or, on Debian (as root):


wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -

wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -


And, then run apt-get update to refresh the repository meta-data. After that you can go back to using the Virtualmin packages module for Virtualmin-related updates.<br><br>Post edited by: Joe, at: 2007/08/29 07:57