Saslauthd stop services

Hello. The server firewall (lfd) tells me to disable the saslauthd service for security reasons. What should I do? Should I do it or not?

Webmin version 2.202 Usermin version 2.102
Virtualmin version 7.30.4

If your server doesn’t handle email services, it’s advisable to disable the saslauthd service to reduce potential security risks.

However, if your server functions as an email server, keeping saslauthd enabled is essential for proper email authentication. In such cases, it’s important to understand why LFD recommends disabling it and to implement necessary security measures to mitigate any associated risks.

I have a vps server that hosts 3 web sites and I run postfix as a mail server.

You can safely ignore that ConfigServer Security and Firewall health check.

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