S3 region minor problem after 7.10.0 update

Just posting to advise people using S3-type backup … Up until now I had to add:
region = xxx
in /root/.aws/config file below the [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] identifier for the S3 account, especially when using non-AWS S3 accounts and regions …
Ever since I upgraded to 7.10.0 backup has been failing with an error about the region. Reading the changelog I saw that there was now an S3 account management screen and I discovered that there was now a way to specifiy the region directly on that screen, that fixed it !
Thanks to the Virtualmin team for that new possibility making the things easier to manage, especially for people using weird region names (like the one from OVH) !


Thanks for the heads up!

@Jamie put a lot of work into this new feature! Thank you for your kind words!

As of the “minor issue” that you reported, — perhaps it could be fixed, we will have to wait for Jamie’s comment on this.

Yes, Virtualmin should be adding the regional automatically to the configs now. That said, I wouldn’t have expected existing backups to stop working … what error were you getting exactly?

Because I found the solution right away I didn’t copy the error (or I did but I lost it ever since …), my bad.
The error was something about the region “now” being wrong … “now” is not a region that I use (OVH regions are “rbx”, “gra”, “sbg”, …) and I don’t even think that this is an existing AWS region, that led me directly to research a pbm about regions and having done that Virtualmin upgrade the day before I quickly found that some change occurred in that area …
No idea where that “now” is coming from but I’m pretty sure it was “now” … !

PS: in fact these were scheduled backup, I saw the error in the mail but unfortunately again, i did erase all these mails … :frowning:

Ok I found one of my servers I didn’t upgrade :slight_smile:
Error when launching the scheduled backup manually:

An error occurred (AuthorizationHeaderMalformed) when calling the ListBuckets operation: The authorization header is malformed; the region 'us-east-1' is wrong; expecting 'sbg'

Backup failed! See the progress output above for the reason why.

“sbg” was mentionned in the “config” file but not in the “S3 account” screen. After adding “sbg” in the account screen, backup went through no problem.

Looks like we’re falling back to the default Amazon region of us-east-1.

Do you have the aws command installed on your system?

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