Roundcube script update Database connection failed : mysql::execute_sql failed : DBI connect failed : Access denied for user 'domain'@'localhost' to database 'domain_roundcube'

OS type and version CENTOS Linux 7.9.2009
Webmin version 2.001
Virtualmin version 7.2 Pro
Webserver version Apache 2.4.6
Related packages SUGGESTED

Might want to start by updating WM/VM to make sure the latest scripts are being used?

I don’t have any packages to update! There aren’t any available packages to update.

 I was going off of this on my system.                                     |


That means your repos are out of date. Run sudo virtualmin setup-repos

You’re also running an EOL operating system, and you need to convert to a distribution that is maintained (RHEL, Rocky, or Alma) and upgrade to version 8 or 9.

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Command setup-repos.p1 was not found

How do I upgrade to the new OS? I’m not a programmer and need a little help.


This might help, migrate rather than upgrade.

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This may have to be done insitu not everyone has the ability to run 2 servers, it may be better to backup the virtual servers, reinstall a current OS then install virtualmin test it then restore the virtual servers once you are happy that the OS is performing with webmin/virtualmin as expected the only problem maybe an incompatible backup, but I don’t think virtualmin backup/restore has changed for years, unless you have added something to github to change restore behaviour

I have 8 virtual servers that I run for a few friends and a charitable foundation. I do not know how to accomplish back ups, which I would love to do. I really need some help as I cannot afford to screw up.

The fact you don’t know how to do backups is a really bad thing.

If you run windows, download virtualbox and have a good mess about with backing up, moving demo sites.

And then play with all of the settings on virtualmin and webmin so you can feel more comfortable with it.

I was going to set a backup on AWS but never got around to it so I’ll have to do that now. Do think that’s a good route for me to take? I have 8 VPS to consider.

From what I have read the better choice is AlmaLinux. Do I have to follow the “How to Migrate to a New Server” that @shoulders recommended?

No. I suggested you convert and upgrade. (Though a migration to a new server isn’t a bad solution, either, since it tends to be a bit cleaner than a converted/upgraded system.)

All of the options I mentioned provide a tool for converting from CentOS to the new OS. e.g. the one for Rocky is documented here: Migrating To Rocky Linux - Documentation (This is the only one I’ve used, but all of them have tools for it, and the process should be relatively similar, but you’d want to read the documentation for the OS you’re choosing.)

You should always perform backups and verify they contain what you think they contain before doing anything that could have dramatic failure modes, including this conversion process. All of my conversions went off without much fanfare, but it is not guaranteed, especially if you have a bunch of random third party stuff installed.

Also note, we do not maintain any of these tools or the operating systems in question, so we are not the best people to ask questions about converting or upgrading your OS. An in-place upgrade has little effect on Virtualmin. It’s the same packages no matter what version of the OS you use.

For Virtualmin, since you have such an old version, I guess you don’t have the setup-repos command. You’ll need to do:

sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- --setup

Which will grab the latest version of the install script and run it in setup mode, which only sets up the software repositories. (Basically the same thing as the virtualmin setup-repos command.)