Root access to database

Operating system: Debian 10
OS version: Buster


I have one problem with editing and creating db…!
Can you help me to resolve it

Best regards,

Could you describe how exactly you edit and create DBs in your Virtualmin system? Do you use the Virtualmin GUI or go about it some other way?

In Webmin -> Servers -> MySQL Databse Server -> User Permissions I tried to make some changes :frowning: after that I can’t to see any database Clipboard 1.png!
When I click to User Permissions I get error: Clipboard 2.png

In your attempt to make some changes, the root password of mysql has got changed. You must configure Virtualmin to use the current password of root or configure mysql root to use the currently configured Virtualmin password. Only when Virtualmin is able to access mysql as root will this error be resolved.

How to I do it?

When you installed Virtualmin, the root password that Virtualmin set for mysql was displayed on one of the screens. Do you have that stored somewhere?

If not, you will have to run the Virtuamin Post Install Wizard and apply the current password of mysql root there.

I check it, password it’s ok, because all hosted pages work fine!
I (like root) just loose all access. Backup also not work any more!

my debian-9 work fine, problem like I described below is on debian-10
Any help?

We recently fixed Virtualmin to be able to reset MySQL/MariaDB root password. If you cannot make it on your own, you could update Virtualmin MySQL library by running:

curl -o /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/

… and then run the following command:

virtualmin set-mysql-pass --user root --pass 1234

Note: In the future, for users with Virtualmin 6.13+ updating internal library using curl command as exampled above, will not be necessary.

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