|I need help adding a reverse PTR urgently but when I do nslookup IP I get an error that its non-existent
Adding or changing/modifying Record PTR must be changed or permitted by your ISP/VPS service provider.
Please contact your ISP/VPS provider again and inform them that you want to configure PTR Record
I am from the ISP side, added the record on Webmin DNS but it’s not working
You can’t do it in webmin dns ie. I have a IP from Vultr.com for my VPS and I add the “PTR” there.
If you do control the IP then here is some documentation on it.
The IP is ours since I mentioned we are the ISP. So, what should I do in this case? We fully control the IP
15 years or so ago I since I ran a ISP out of my home, so its a long time ago since I done this reserve stuff.
using mxtool are you getting anything at all? Like it the reporting from your dns?
Its a private IP so cannot be seen externally
Right, that’s totally differnent. Why do you need PTR then?
You mean like a 192.168.xxx.xxx number
When you run nslookup are you selecting you server to do the ptr test, else it will be using a public server and it won’t find the IP.
where did that originate from? whoever provided it has control.
I am doing a VMware setup which requires my vCenter to resolve via lookup using both IP and domain name. been stuck for days now because of this PTR issue
We are the ISP, so we won the IP, but reverse ptr is not working
Ok so surly the isp side of your business should be able to set the ptr, I’m sure this is slightly out of virtualmin’s remit as in most normal cases the ptr is set by the isp
Been a long time, but, you must set up a zone.
Although I never heard of such a thing as owning one IP address?
Whom ever owns the block is responsible for the IP.
If you know or feel that you have full control over this IP? You need a service that can do Reverse DNS Publicly. We use cloudns . net for all our DNS services and they offer Reverse DNS as well.
are you confusing having an ip from a provider makes you an isp ? tbf it does not, but you know where your situation is and should be able to fix this from your control panel that delegates the ip to the correct ip to virtualmin
Thanks all, the issue was with the private IP. Changed to public then it worked
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