I’ve made a mistake I tried to renew a self signed certificate, and remove some " SSL protoco versoins…"
Did I do something wrong, I cannot access my Webgui Anymore… It says " ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH"
How can I reset ? the config or where is located the file on Webmin, which configure this ssl ??
I’ve tried to re install webmin by command line… but it keep the same config somewhere…
Well… server is a bit old… I know, but really useful… when I have tile I will make another one… at the moment, it works perfect
The certificate ? I have a Wildcard certificate… So. That’s fine
If I could remove Webmin WITH the paramters / configuation That would be great. I can reinstalled a fresh installation. At the moment, After re installation, it come back with the previous ssl config
Well in fact , into the Webmin → Webmin Configuration → SSL encryption
I think that I’ve ticked some " SSL protocol cersion to reject"
and probably also “force the HSTS header”… Which messed up…
something like that…
If I could reach the ASCII file where this config is written, I may have the possibility to correct it by hand…
so you have issues reaching Webmin itself on port 10000, or some apache website you are hosting?
I think the Webmin interface is ran by miniserv.pl (a standalone webserver written in perl by the Webmin team) running on port 10000; its config file may be /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf – but be very very careful if you edit it directly – so easy to make big mistakes – I speak from experience
great !! that works again… modifying the file, gave me back the WebGui
Honestly, I don’t know what I did wrong… I’ ve copied some chunk parts and came back again !