Replacing CentOS due problems with upgrading

will replacing CentOS 7 with Webmin delete all files on VPS?

Have you worded this correctly. Webmin is not a OS, its a control panel.

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No, it will not.

There has to be something we’re not understanding about what you’re doing, as this question doesn’t make any sense.

I would recommend you explain a little more about what you’re doing, because you can’t “replace CentOS 7 with Webmin”. Webmin is not an OS. But, if you mean your hosting provider offers an OS image that also happens to have Webmin installed and you’re thinking about switching to that image, you might very well end up deleting all your files, because it might very well replace your whole system.

You need to migrate away from CentOS 7, whatever you do, though, because CentOS 7 reached end of life quite a long time ago. You can search the forum for discussions about upgrading, but if you’re thinking about installing Webmin (or, you probably ought to be considering Virtualmin, if you’re doing web hosting with your system), you probably want to start with a freshly installed supported OS (Rocky 9 or Alma 9 would be the sensible choice for replacing a CentOS 7 system), install Virtualmin, and then migrate your sites to the new system.

You can safely/easily install Webmin onto just about any supported OS, regardless of whether it is in production or not.

But, you can not install Virtualmin safely onto a production system, because the installer makes a number of configuration changes and installs a bunch of software, either of which might conflict with configuration or software you currently have, and because the installation process is likely to fail on a system that has been modified from a freshly installed OS, maybe in subtle ways that are not easy to detect until they bite you at some point in the future.


  1. I have CyberPanel on CentOS.
  2. Hostinger offers webmin on Debian 9 or webmin/ Virtualmin/LAMP on Debian 9.
  3. Should I serve all website files before changing the OS for Debian?


I don’t know what that means. If you meant “backup”, then yes: do that, please!

  1. I meant to download all files related to my website for instance the whole folder home, using FileZilla. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  2. How to safely move MySQL database off the VPS while replacing OS?
    3.I am planning to use Json files for my website unfortunately CentOS didn’t let me instal node.js. is Rocky 9 or Alma 9 a good OS for utilising Json files?

So, what you describe is not merely installing Webmin. That would replace your entire system with a new empty one, as far as I know. That would be catastrophic data loss. You obviously should not do that without good backups.

You should not use either of those. Debian 9 reached EOL quite some time ago. It would be dangerous to use that OS. You need to use a maintained operating system.

You should get a current operating system, without Webmin or Virtualmin, and you should use our installer to install Virtualmin according to our documentation.

You need to back up your data before making any change of this sort, so that you can restore it after your system is reinstalled.

If you are comfortable with CentOS 7, you can choose Rocky 9 or Alma 9, and more easily migrate your sites and data. We do not provide a way to restore Cyberpanel accounts/domains/sites (as we do for most of the popular control panels), but you can probably create all of your domains in Virtualmin and then copy the websites, databases, and maybe mail, etc. over to the new system from your backed up data.

You need to perform a dump of the databases. A dump can be restored. Binary copies of the database files probably cannot be safely copied to a new system, but a dumped database can usually be imported into a newer version of your database of choice without much drama.

This question doesn’t make sense, either. JSON is a text file format. It has nothing to do with the operating system. Please start a new topic with what you’re actually trying to do (“use JSON files” is not a useful description of what you’re doing, I have no idea what it means to “use” a JSON file…use it for what?). But, I am certain any modern OS will work with any web tech you’re trying to use.

Okay, these new OS allows for applications like node.js. I am planning to use mygjson files from it’s kind of a big project for me. I am looking to create a site similar to tcgplayer or cardmarket. Hostinger’s hosting doesn’t support json.

I know now how to do it, I will go to phpMyAdmin and export database, do a backup or use SSH Panel. Then instal new OS like Rocky and new Panel. Import database.

I still don’t have any idea what you’re talking about (I don’t see any connection between JSON and card games). But, yes, any modern operating system works fine for node.js. (But, please open new topics for questions unrelated to the original subject of this thread.)