remove PHP 7.0 and install 7.2 / 7.3

I have Virtualmin on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

My server running the following PHP versions:
5.6.40, 7.0.27

I want to upgrade PHP 7.0.27 to 7.2 or 7.3
I saw this topic: and I’ve tried to install with:

yum install php72u-cli php72u-common php72u-fpm php72u-gd php72u-imap php72u-mbstring php72u-mysqlnd php72u-pdo php72u-process php72u-xml php72u-xmlrpc php72u-opcache php72u-json php72u-zip php72u-pspell php72u-pecl-apcu php72u-pecl-memcached php72u-ioncube-loader

And I got the following result:

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

What can I do and how can I remove PHP 7.0 and install 7.2/7.3?
Thanks for your time and sorry for the newbie questions


PHP 7.2 can be installed by using the command “yum install rh-php72”. This ofcourse only installs the core, so you’ll likely need to install a number of modules to support your install like “rh-php72-php-mysqlnd” (for MySQL support)… You can get a list of available modules by running the command “yum info rh-php72*”

Any ideas how to install 7.3? I notice on the page Ubuntu 7.3 PHP has notes, but not for CentOS.

I notice that “Software Collections” for CentOS doesn’t have the latest 7.3, so I guess that’s the issue, but is there a plan B?


Yeah, unfortunately we don’t have other repos we recommend for CentOS… until the SCL repo offers PHP 7.3, we’d recommend sticking with PHP 7.2.

If PHP 7.3 is important to your setup there, my recommendation would be to go with a distribution that offers the PHP version(s) you need (perhaps Ubuntu in this case).

Sorry, I wish I had an awesomer solution! In the meantime though, we’re just hoping the SCL repo gets PHP 7.3 soon :slight_smile:


Hey @andreychek,

I was looking for a way to private message you, so sorry I can’t find a way so I’m hijacking this thread. First of all, thank you so much for your reply. I am a strong believer in Virtualmin as the future of panels as it’s a “stock” system that just “works”. Free from most of the proprietary nonsense. I have written about 50 articles short HOWTOs for Virtualmin for our company website.

But why I am contacting you, is Virtualmin needs a bit of a refresh, and now would be a good time because there is a massive opportunity.

As you may have heard, there is a lot of drama because cPanel jacked their pricing. People are clamouring for new panels. The way I see it, with some effort Virtualmin can attract a whole new group of users, who will hopefully also eventually become Virtualmin Pro users.

The two things that stand out that you guys have to do:

  • Upgrade this forum. It’s too old man. It’s also not that attractive compared to today’s website styles.
  • Give the docs a new looks and feel too.
  • See if you guys can revive the Cloudlinux project. Seems something went wrong there, but riding on their dovetails could be useful to you guys.

The rest of your product is pretty awesome, just keep it like it is, maybe a tweak here or there.

Anyway, just love your product so much wanted to give my 2c.


Just to jump in here and say - one good think WHM had was “easyapache4” to install php updgrades etc… maybe time to add something to the webmin roadmap ?

As an administrator, that was one of the few things about cPanel I actually liked. Not EA3. That was garbage, in my opinion. I could configure Apache faster without it than with it. But EA4 is a nice piece of work.

Directadmin has Custombuild very close to EA4 and even more options.