Remove admin / webmail from dns Template

OS type and version Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
Virtualmin version Virtualmin version 7.20.2

How can I remove admin.domain. and webmail.domain. from DNS template

If I go to this page: System Settings → Server Templates → Default Settings → DNS Domain!

My look like this:

But I can’t see the current DNS Template

So now to my question. How can I remove to DNS records from default template

// Thomas

Disable the related “Redirect” features in “Website for Domain” in the Server Template. (You can also search for “Redirect” in the Server Templates search and it’ll take you to it.)

Also note there is a “Add above to the automatically generated records” and “Use only the records above” option, which allows you to completely replace the automatic records with your own. But, just disabling the features that result in extra names will also do the job.

Hi @Joe

Thanks for the so help.

Can you help one more time… How can I remove mail.mydomain from the DNS template


Disable the “Mail for domain” feature in Features and Plugins, or for just this one domain, if you only want to disable it for this one domain. (Note, this obviously actually disables incoming mail for the domain, not just the name in DNS. The user can still send mail, as any user on the system can, assuming you have setup the system to be able to send mail and you have port 25, but receiving mail for domain users will not be available.)

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Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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