Still learning a lot of Linux ropes. I send ALL mail out to Spamtitan to protect my email server.
I know I can use the default relayhost (direct) and map other domains or mailboxes to use a relayhost.
But is it possible to do the reverse?
For example I want to use Spamtitan as the default relayhost but occasionally make one emailbox go direct (to temporarily get round SpamTitan delivery rates for instance).
Of course if I map one mailbox to the localhost it results in a loop.
May well be a limitation of Postfix itself, but if I am missing something, I’d appreciate a steer.
Thanks for the reply Calport. I have tried (using Sender Dependent Transport Mapping), but the problem is that when I add the entry to send directly, I get a loop back.
For domain, I use the syntax " smtp:[xx.xx.xx.xx] )IP address of localhost.
I can use direct delivery as default and map to the SpamTitan server on a per domain basis - but not the otherway round
Thanks Stefan,
But no, use of the virtual server address loops back on itself if the default is to use an external relay host.
I think I have resigned myself to the fact that mapping only works if the default is to send mail direct (no relay host)