Redis installation from within Virtualmin

Several years back, WordPress incorporated “Site Health” into the dashboard. One of the constant nags it presents to administrators is this warning:
You should use a persistent object cache

While it is only a Site Health recommended improvement, the notification persists. And there is little doubt using Redis greatly improves site speed. We use it on all of our DirectAdmin boxes.

With 43% (and growing) of all websites using WordPress, it makes sense to make Redis part of (or controllable through) Virtualmin in the same sense as are many of Virtualmin’s other great features.

It could be a check box, in the same manner as, for example, the database functionality is chosen. Once installing a plugin to use Redis in WordPress, one has to simply place an appropriate line (using the site’s file editor) in order for it to function. Ours are all placed near the top of the wp-config.php file and have this format:

define( 'WP_REDIS_SCHEME', 'unix' );
define( 'WP_REDIS_PATH', '/home/username/.redis/redis.sock' );

Ultimately, I believe Virtualmin’s value would be increased if an easy installation of Redis was incorporated into it. Many of the other control panels (DirectAdmin and cPanel that I’m aware of) incorporate easy integration through them.

As a website developer, it would be wonderful to be able to move websites in either direction between Virtualmin and DirectAdmin boxes that use Redis and have them simply work.

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We’d want to use Valkey or one of the other Open Source forks of redis if we do something along these lins, as redis will be leaving the OSS distributions pretty soon (as redis is no longer Open Source, merely source-available).

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Thats’ fine, anything would be better than nothing, I guess… Can you add this to a feature request list please?