Hi everyone
since webmin upgrade to latest version (2.111), Owner of domain can’t use “Read user Mail” module any more. The error is : " You are not allowed to read email for any users on this system."
Hi Stegan
Not the server admin, virtual host owner
I did update (apt update) but nothing to upgrade, my repo address is: https://software.virtualmin.com/vm/7/gpl/apt virtualmin InRelease
That depends on how you install virtualmin from the install script current is v 2.111, if you install via other repository you will get v 2.202, meaning following the webmin install instructions and then installing the virtualmin module
regarding updates – if you are using Virtualmin, its been said before in other forum posts — only upgrade WEBMIN from the virtualmin repos !!!
This is because the staff perform additional checks and testing in the Virtualmin environment AFTER a new version of Webmin is released to those who only use Webmin.
Once staff are confident everything is good, they will make the newer Webmin version available in the Virtualmin repo. Only then should a Virtualmin environment update to the newer Webmin. There have been times when the Virtualmin repo will even skip a Webmin version
Don’t you think I know that ? I was mearly pointing out that you can install virtualmin that way, which is far as i am aware is the only way of getting webmin 2.202 in a virtualmin install. I don’t condone or recomend this action, perhaps you should be replying to someone else who appears to have this set up not me
I don’t believe staff support that method of installation, that’s all. AND — your initial post with that info had no warnings at all, which was the reason I posted.
I also never gave any indication on how to install virtualmin that way, your post implies that I did. The warnings would come from researching how to install virtualmin in that way
Hi Jimr1
Where should I look for that in file system ?
Also when I try to read mail from user list (Virtualmin → edit users → [select user] → Email settings → Inbox mail file) it also give me error " You are not allowed to read this user’s email"
and there is log entry at /var/webmin/miniserv.log
“GET /mailboxes/list_mail.cgi?user=xxxx&dom=xxxxxxxxxx&xnavigation=1 HTTP/1.1” 500 1707
It seems version issue solved for everyone
does anyone has any suggestion ?
“Read user Mail” module is active and working for super user (root) but “domain owner (admin)” get error
" You are not allowed to read email for any users on this system."
The green arrow should be prefilled
The red arrow also but if not fill it in like so replacing mydomain with the actual domain name, this could be the server admin name, but check on your system
The Blue arrow should be just the domain name you want the user to read
save the user then login as that user and see if it’s fixed
looks like the can read mail files in directory is different you have something different to a working system
change it to /home/domain/homes where domain is the actual user directory under /home
I think OP is seeing it work as intended (it’s the behavior I see on my systems).
The error is misleading, though, as the domain owner absolutely can read domain users mail (because they share a group and those files are group readable). You can browse to them using the file browser…just select homes/username/Maildir.
But, the UI for this could be more intuitive.
@Jamie this seems pretty confusing. If a domain owner has the Read User Mail module, they are technically able to read the domain user’s mail, but the UI says, “You are not allowed to read email for any users on this system.”