In “Hostname and DNS client” under “Resolution order” I have the following error:
files resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns
It seems that I have this on all Debian 12 servers, just purchased and installed fresh ! Any idea of what might cause this ? I have a possible consequence in Nextcloud where I’m getting an error about not being able to resolve “/.well-known/caldav”, it’s my first install of NC on D12+Virtualmin, I’ve got at least 10 others on D11 not having that error so I’m starting to think this could be related …
If somebody has an idea
In fact this comes from /etc/nsswitch.conf, I replaced:
hosts: files resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns
by hosts: files dns
“Hostname and DNS client” under “Resolution order” is back to normal in Virtualmin. I have this in all my debian12 servers, looks like something is not working properly generating that “resolve [!UNAVAIL=return]”, not sure I had to remove “resolve”, in fact i copied from an existing and working debian 11 nsswitch.conf .
It seems that I have this on all Debian 12 servers, just purchased and installed fresh!
It is a valid string. You shouldn’t worry about it. Although, we don’t provide a nice way to edit it (yet) but it’s possible to edit it directly using textbox.
Any idea of what might cause this ?
The hosts: entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf determines the order in which the system resolves hostnames to IP addresses.
hosts:: This indicates the beginning of the configuration for hostname resolution.
files: This tells the system to first look in the local files for hostname resolution, which on most Unix-like systems refers to the /etc/hosts file.
resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] : This specifies the use of the systemd-resolved service. The [!UNAVAIL=return] part is a conditional statement that says if the resolve source is not available, then return immediately without proceeding to the next sources.
dns : This indicates that if the previous sources (files and potentially resolve ) did not successfully resolve the hostname, the system should use the Domain Name System (DNS) servers specified in the /etc/resolv.conf file or other DNS configuration.
Ok thanks, so I understand that this string is “normal”, it’s just Virtualmin not providing a nice way to edit it. Is removing it a problem ? I don’t have resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] in Debian 11 servers, I guess this a new Debian 12 feature ?
I think its better to just leave it as it is if you dont know what you are doing and you understood it right ‘’‘That this string is “normal”, it’s just Webmin not providing a nice way to edit it.’