Protected Web Directories

CentOS 6.7 running licensed Virtualmin/Webmin/Cloudmin solution.

I used that script installer to install phpmyadmin, but after 10 hours of jerking around with Protected Web Directories I can do no more on my own.

The behavior is that the when you go through the procedure under Protected Web Directories - that seems OK, of course there are initially no users assigned.
Next we go to Edit Users and add a user, set password and make sure the phpmyadmin folder is selected for authorization.
Everything works fine setting it up and even after restarting Apache, every single time when I select the protected folder, it does not except the password and fails to allow me to enter the folder.

Please someone help me. i would do the the old fashioned way, but it is possible others may use this system, and they will not know how to set all of this up manually - and it is a PITA.
I have looked everywhere for answers to this and there are none that provide me resolution.