Protected web directories, virtualmin-htpasswd

OS type and version Debian 10&11
Webmin version 1.999-2.0
Virtualmin version 7.1
Related packages apache2

Hello, some thoughts on Virtualmin password restrictions for web directories, in order to improve the feature:

  • have any user, and not always append @domain.tld they do not need to be “real” users, in Virtualmin’s tradition;
  • so have the password field right there in the interface, not to go back to user management; maybe check for the directory, if doesn’t exit, create it;
  • have also a field to exclude IPs or whole networks, see bellow;
  • deal with TLS as Let’s Encrypt has no longer access there, a big problem - well known should be excluded;
  • write the options in the Apache config file, not .htaccess, as for example one can get “Failed to protect new directory : The protection file /home/domain.tld/public_html/.htaccess is a symbolic link”; for example I use (not easily editable by users though, good idea here also to write passwords in a different file outside web root):
<Location / >
    AuthName "Restricted"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /home/domain.tld/.htpasswd
    SetEnvIf Request_URI /.well-known noauth=1
        Require env noauth
        Require env REDIRECT_noauth
        Require ip
        Require valid-user

Posted also here Add better UX · virtualmin/virtualmin-htpasswd@f5eccbb · GitHub , but of course sounds more like suggestions for a rewrite not actual bugs :grinning:


Posted also here Add better UX · virtualmin/virtualmin-htpasswd@f5eccbb · GitHub , but of course sounds more like suggestions for a rewrite not actual bugs :grinning:

Thanks, we saw it. No rewrite needed. We will look into fixing that.

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