Procmail-wrapper issue happening again (or still?)

OS type and version Ubuntu Xenial
Webmin version 2.001
Virtualmin version 7.2-1
Related packages procmail-wrapper

Hi, it seems that the issue reported here is still happening. That thread mentions a fix coming in 1.1-3, but 1.1-2 is still the most recent package available for me.

You are using an unsupported OS that has been EOL for almost two years.

But, also, that means you’ve disabled or deleted the Virtualmin repo config, because I rolled the fix to all repos, I’m pretty sure, including the ones that are now long deprecated and unmaintained.

Yeah, since things have been working so well and very stable (1321 days uptime!) I haven’t prioritized updating the OS.

I still have these in my apt sources:

deb http://[my id] virtualmin-xenial main
deb http://[my id] virtualmin-universal main

Is that not correct? Looking in those folders I only see the 1.0-2 and 1.1-2 versions of the package.

Those are deprecated, but I thought I’d pushed the procmail-wrapper update to them, anyway…but, you can just grab the package from a newer repo. It’s the same.

The /vm/6 repos are still maintained, so you can switch the universal repo over to using that, if you want. But, xenial is getting no more updates from upstream, so it’s dangerous to run it, no matter how stable it’s been. You have a handful of unpatched security issues in your Apache and probably other services.

Thanks @Joe. You’ve shamed me into finding time to do the upgrade :wink:

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No shame, I’ve got some devices still running Xenial, too. But, they’re not on the open internet… :man_shrugging:

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