Procmail filtering problem

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 22.04.5
Virtualmin version 7.20.2

I am having problem finding where to configure global filters with procmail.
I tried editing servers-> Procmail Mail Filter in webmin and add:

  • ^List-Unsubscribe:.*
    But it didn’t work. Then I found out that configs located in: /etc/webmin/virtual-server/procmail/
    do work, but they seem to be created per domain, and I don’t know where template is.
    Allow mailbox users to create mail filters is disabled in virtualmin.
    I want to define rules in main config or modify template that is used to create per domain configs, eathier will suffice.

I want to mimic gmail offers separation. All newsletters and “spam” (that what passes spamassasin tests but is still considered not ineresting) from having public email would be put into offers tab and everything else that spam assasin catches to be placed in spam tab or deleted.



Still looking for advice

I’ve never played with procmail, but you did read the warning on creating rules?

you maybe better using SpamAssassin Mail Filter

  • Procmail
  • SpamAssassain
    • Only adds a point system to an email to tag it as spam
    • It also can tell the system to delete the email
    • SpamAssassain rules are run once at
      • a global level
      • and then also again at the account level,
      • possibly again at the email level but I am not 100% about this.

So long story short, I don’t think Promail will do what you want.

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