Problems with install re. Mariadb

Last post was incorrect, mysql was not installed, I used the wrong command.
but VM is still saying mariadb not not on the system.

Then I get same error when run install.
But the command its running is to install mysql

some more screeshots

VM seems to be using the mysql config for Mariadb

P.S. Workaround found

Changed the start and stop commands

@Jamie @Ilia how are we still getting the generic or very old RHEL config for AlmaLinux 8? Iā€™m seeing the right settings in webmin/config-AlmaLinux-Linux-7.0-ALL at master Ā· webmin/webmin Ā· GitHub, but it looks like it is categorizing the OS wrong.

By generic do you mean service mariadb start/stop commands? We could use systemctl for sure but service command works not deprecate, as far as I know?

@grant-1972 Also, /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld is never the case on proper version of AlmaLinux.

@grant-1972 I wonder, how does /etc/almalinux-release file looks like on your converted system or if it even exists at all?

Here on a vmin 6x box, where centos8x was converted to alma8x
ā€œAlmaLinux release 8.6 (Sky Tiger)ā€

and in almalinux-release-upstream:
ā€œDerived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 (Source)ā€

No, those would work. That is not what was in the config posted above, that was what they changed it to that made it work. They had /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld which makes no senseā€¦indicates an OS misdetection or the wrong config files being copied.

FYI: :wink:
This is not on converted system from centos8x to alma8x and later upgraded to alma 8.6
This box then however still running and installed with the vmin6.x
But i removed there the mariadb from OS package repo and installed mariadb from mariadb repo , so not sure or it was there before. ( that is not the way it should i know but for information only)

Sorry then @Joe

This thread is becoming dangerously convoluted. I already canā€™t keep up with the original problem or how they got there. Letā€™s not introduce new variables, when we already have (I think) a coherent/simple way to reproduce the problem.

It is my understanding that this problem of the wrong service start/stop commands being there happens on a fresh install of Alma Linux on Vultr. We can reproduce that. Iā€™m not going to try to reproduce converted/upgraded/whatever.

I can only provide the information that was present when I installed. I donā€™t have any further information as I installed Rocky as Almalimux in this form simply does not work with VM.

This has just happened to me in the last few days since Alma 8.6 was released. And there also was a new release of VM. I have no idea where the problem is but I know prior to updates I was running VM on Alma 8.5 with no problems at all.

Hi Joe

I started this thread and I do not use Vultr so I hope that my issues are considered. It was someone else who brought Vultr up which does mean that my problem has now been subsumed into a problem with Vultr


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@grant-1972 do you have in /etc symbol link (redhat-release) to the etc/almalinux-release ?
And also mayby sym link( rc.loacl) to etc/rc.d/rc.local

To be sure while on converted system they are here, i only trying to help to find diference if there is . :wink:

If i better ā€œshutā€ my writing here please say so, i donā€™t want to intrude with ā€œnonsensā€

As on my test ( yes converted centos 8x system alma 8.5 updated to alma 8.6) is the same. ( but vmin 6.x not updated) only to help if it is any different.
I have no problems but did not installed new clean versions anyway, only helping to compare some file and settings here for support.

As I said above after the problems I had, I installed Rocky so I have no further information about the Alma install.

After trying the first time on a converted (Rocky to Alma) I then also got the same errors when I did a clean install of Alma.

If it would be helpful to this process I am quite prepared to wipe my server, reinstall Alma and VM and then I can provide all error logs. To staff, just let me know if this would be helpful.


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I assume that you had an incorrect file /etc/webmin/mysql/config in place, before installing Virtualmin. That would explain why MariaDB config was wrong.

Iā€™m pretty sure that this isnā€™t the case on a normal clean AlmaLinux install. I just made one few hours ago.

But going from Alma 8.5 working with VM and then not working with 8.6 is odd surely. When I did a clean install of Alma it was 8.5. I didnā€™t install 8.6 as that image wasnā€™t available. So what broke between 8.5 and 8.6 for me?
As I said earlier Iā€™m quite happy to install 8.5 and then show that it is working with VM and then install 8.5 and update to 8.6 to show the errors that were thrown up.


Maybe this is your instance of AlmaLinux 8.6 is glitchy ā€¦ as mine worked just fine with 8.6 ā€¦

So if Alma 8.6 is glitchy when i have just done dnf update on the working 8.5 where does the error come from? Remember this has happened with two fresh installs as well as one conversion.

Where did you get the ISO install from? Iā€™ve tried 2 different installs. One from the Vultr and and a almalinux minimal iso i uploaded. Both failed. Maybe Iā€™m using the wrong script? I found the location on the forums somewhere


Hi I got the iso through my host.

That question was for Ilia :slight_smile: